Whispering Pines
What an amazing photoshoot to start 2018; we had a beautiful location, an amazing model and thankfully no rain! We located this beautiful cabin in East Sussex which the owners were happy for us to use, it had lovely grounds around the property, a lake and a boat right outside it’s front door.
The first images were taken on the peer right outside the cabin, after a few standing shots I thought it would be a great idea to try sitting on the edge of the peer only problem was that it was surrounded by a lake that was too deep to stand in. Fortunately the cabin had a lovely row boat which we used to get far enough around to get the shot.
Here is a picture of me keeping extremely still so that I don't rock the boat and fall right into the water.
To the top left of the image you can see the corner of a large octabank with a layer of diffusion lighting the model, I'm also using a 120mm macro lens
The final image
The next image was taken in a tree which Megan was more than happy to climb, I think the only worried one was me but there was no need to worry, Megan was great, she climbed right up and we got to shooting.
Here's an image of the lighting set up for the tree shot, I have a octabank as my main light on the highest power setting, whilst I have a gridded, silver beauty dish on a lower power setting providing fill.
Here is the final image
Next we wanted to get a shot of Megan cutting and eating an apple, this was a tricky shot for many reasons including the fact that she would be using a very sharp survival knife. just like the tree however Megan was eager to jump in and it turned out great. See below
For this shot I placed the octabank, high up and off camera right as my key light (see below) and a the gridded, silver beauty dish as my rim light, behind Megan, off camera left and angled downwards. On my 50mm lens I used a 0.6 ND filter to allow me to open up my aperture and better separate Megan from the background.
Here is a picture so you can see the octabank placement
Next it was onto the lake to capture the images I was most excited about since seeing the boat when arriving at the cabin.
For this light set up I used a set up very similar to the tree shot with the octabank off camera right, angled downwards as my main light and the gridded silver beauty dish off camera left as fill.
Once I got a few of the close ups we pushed our model Megan further out into the lake and handed her an oar. (We won't go into the fact that Georgina fell into the lake whilst trying to do this the first time) Check out the wide shot and close up below:

With such an authentic location I wanted to capture some images of Megan in front of the rustic looking cabin. For these shots I wanted it to feel more like the sun was beginning to set, unfortunately with it being a cold, cloudy day there was no chance of that happening and so it was out with my trusty beauty dish. For this shot I used only one Broncolor Siros L light, very high up and angled downwards, I also removed the grid on the beauty dish to throw the light more and imitate direct sunlight.
The only light is the beauty dish off camera right, the octabank to the left of the image is not on.
After capturing the last outdoor shots we moved inside the cabin to capture the last set of images.
There wasn't much room inside the cabin for large lights but I still wanted to use the octabank in order to create a nice wash of light across the scene. In this picture you can see how close the octabank is with myself squeezing in front of it to get the shot. What you can't see if off camera left I have again used a gridded beauty dish to add some fill light.
See the result below
Lastly we couldn't leave without capturing some images in front of the cabins fireplace, it took us a few goes to light it but once we did we were able to capture some really beautiful shots. To help amplify the orange light coming from the fireplace and add more warmth to the scene I covered a strobe with CTO gel and placed it on the floor next to the fireplace, angling it upwards. To the left of camera I used a strobe on a low power setting with the beauty dish and grid attached to add some subtle fill light. See below

Check out the full set of images from the shoot below
Model: Megan Waters
MUA Georgina Davies